PART B: Understanding Your Results



  • Activists are those people who learn by doing.
  • Activists need to get their hands dirty, to dive in with both feet first.
  • They have an open-minded approach to learning, involving themselves fully
    and without bias in new


  • Theorists like to understand the theory behind the actions.
  • They need models, concepts and facts in order to engage in the learning process.
  • They prefer to analyse and synthesise, drawing new information into a systematic and logical 'theory'.


  • Pragmatists need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice in the real world.
  • Abstract concepts and games are of limited use unless they can see a way to put the ideas into action in their lives.
  • They are experimenters, trying out new ideas, theories and techniques to see
    if they work.


  • Reflectors learn by observing and thinking about what happened.
  • They may avoid leaping in and prefer to watch from the sidelines. 
  • Generally, they prefer to stand back and view experiences from a number of different perspectives, collecting data and
    taking the time to work towards
    an appropriate conclusion.

Having scored your questionnaire, you will now have four scores ranging from 0 – 10 for Activist, Reflector, Theorist and Pragmatist.

Obviously, your highest score (or scores if you have some that tie) indicates your strongest learning style preference with other preferences lagging behind.

You might, however, like to compare your scores with those achieved by over 13,000 other people. The table below gives ‘norms’ that divide the scores into five categories:

The top 10% of scoresVery strong preferences
The next 20% of scoresStrong preferences
The middle 40% of scoresModerate preferences
The next 20% of scoresLow preferences
The bottom 10% of scoresVery low preferences

Simply locate and ring your four scores on the table below so that you can see at a glance which band they fall into.

You’ll see that the weightings are slightly different.

For example, a score of 8 for Activist is in the strong preference band whereas the same score for the other three styles is in the moderate band. On balance, it is safer to interpret your result by taking the norms into account – especially when they are based on such a large population.






9 - 10




Very Strong Preference

7 - 8




Strong Preference

5 - 6

8 - 9

7 - 9

8 - 9

Moderate Preference

3 - 4

5 - 7

5 - 6

6 - 7

Low Preference

0 - 2

0 - 4

0 - 4

0 - 5

Very Low Preference

Conclusion -What is the best?

To have MODERATE or VERY STRONG preference in all. That´s means that learning is easy for you.

If you have any style in lower preference, it’s goot to develop this style to learn easier in future.